Elangeni Social Housing Project is located in the inner city of Johannesburg. The project developed by the Johannesburg Housing Company is located in Albert Street, formerly associated with the notorious Albert Street Pass Office during the Apartheid era.
The context demanded a ‘city building’, relating to the scale of the city while defining a ‘neighbourhood’ precinct. It is a mixed use housing scheme consisting of 168 units with 1 and 2 bedroom units, including live-work units, loft units and a corner retail unit. It is designed as a four storey walk up perimeter block with an inner parking courtyard providing a defensible inner environment. Street level housing is created on three sides with a set back to the road edge, the 4th street edge is treated as a retail live work condition responding a busy connector road. The design of the individual units is on a modular basis with units grouped around staircase / drying yard ‘towers’. The individual units are designed to allow spatial flexibility, to minimise circulation space or passage areas and simplify and cluster services. The total number of units provided is a careful balance between parking requirements and the need to maximise the amenity of open space for planting and play areas.