Heather Dodd speaks on panel after Denise Scott Brown film screening at Wits School of Architecture and Planning

‘From Soane to the Strip’ is a film prepared by Denise Scott Brown as the acceptance speech of her Soane Medal in 2018. Unbale to travel she recorded a series of interviews with a sequence of her images taken throughout her career. The film screening was followed by a panel of presentations and reflections on the film by Prof. Hannah Le Roux and Prof. Paul Kotze from the Wits School of Architecture, Khensani de Klerk, founder of MatriArchitects and Heather Dodd.

Heather Dodd reflected on the erasure of contribution, and construction of narrative in the controversial omission of acknowledgement of Denise Scott Brown when Robert Venturi, her long-time partner and practice collaborator was awarded the Pritzker Prize in 1991. Her perspective was that the Soane Medal award could be seen as an initiative taken to recognise Denise Scott Brown’s contribution to architecture.